
Do you have any questions about what can and cannot be done on our website? Do you wonder what we do with your private information?
Read about our Website and Privacy Policy to know where we stand on both matters.

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Website and Privacy Policy




  1. 1. General conditions of use of the site and the proposed services
  2. 2. Glossary
  3. 3. Description of the services provided
  4. 4. Contractual limitations on technical data
  5. 5. Limitations of liability
  6. 6. Intellectual Property
  7. 7. Management of personal data
  8. 8. General provisions
  9. 9. Hypertext links and cookies
  10. 10. Applicable law and jurisdiction
  11. 11. The major laws concerned


  1. 1. What is personal data?
  2. 2. To whom is this Privacy Policy addressed?
  3. 3. Who collects your Data?
  4. 4. How do we collect your Data?
  5. 5. Why do we collect your Data?
  6. 6. Are you required to provide your Personal Data?
  7. 7. How long do we keep your Data?
  8. 8. Is your Data sent outside the European Union?
  9. 9. What security measures have we taken to protect you?
  10. 10. What are your rights?
  11. 11. How to exercise your rights?
  12. 12. Changes to this Privacy Policy
  13. 13. Contact


  1. 1. What is a cookie ?
  2. 2. Why do we use cookies?
  3. 3. Accepting or refusing cookies
  4. 4. Contact


Edition and publication of the site

This site, accessible from the URL address is published by Latin Discoveries. It is the property of Connexions Latines, SAS with a share capital of 10,000 euros, registered in the Fontainebleau Trade and Companies Register under number 81198739500019 and whose intra-community VAT number is: FR33811987395.         

The director of the publication of this site is Stéphane COUDASSOT, in his capacity as manager of Connexions Latines.

Contact details:        

3 rue Paul Tavernier

77300 Fontainebleau


Hosting of the website:

OVHcloud US

11160-C1 South Lakes Dr


Reston, VA 20191

United States


1. General conditions of use of the site and the proposed services

Use of the website implies full acceptance of the general conditions of use described below. These conditions of use may be modified or completed at any time, and users of the site are therefore invited to consult them regularly.

This site is normally accessible to users at all times. An interruption for technical maintenance may however be decided by, which will then endeavour to inform users in advance of the dates and times of the intervention.

The website is updated regularly. Similarly, the legal notices may be modified at any time: they are nevertheless binding on the user, who is invited to refer to them as often as possible in order to read them.

2. Glossary

User: refers to any natural or legal person consulting the Site

Site: means

3. Description of the services provided

The purpose of the website is to provide information about the company's activities.

Latin Discoveries endeavours to provide information on the site that is as accurate as possible. However, it cannot be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracies and shortcomings in updating, whether these are its fault or that of third-party partners who provide this information.

All information on the website is given for information purposes only and is subject to change. Furthermore, the information on the website is not exhaustive. It is given subject to modifications having been made since it was put on line.

4. Contractual limitations on technical data

The site was designed on the Joomla platform.

The website cannot be held responsible for any material damage related to the use of the site. Furthermore, the user of the site undertakes to access the site using recent, virus-free equipment and with a last generation updated browser.

5. Limitations of liability

The statements made on the Site are not contractual.

Latin Discoveries cannot be held responsible in the following cases:

  • Failure, breakdown, difficulty or interruption of operation, preventing access to the Site or any of its features;
  • The loss of data or information stored by the Users of the Platform. It is the responsibility of the Users to take all necessary precautions to preserve the data and information that they put online under their sole responsibility;
  • In the event of direct or indirect damage caused to the User, whatever its nature and resulting from access, management or use of the Platform;
  • Abnormal or illicit use of the Platform by one of its Users;

The equipment used to connect to the Site by Users remains under their full responsibility. The latter agree to take appropriate measures to protect their equipment and data, especially from viral attacks via the Internet.

Latin Discoveries is not responsible for any damage caused by the Users to themselves, to third parties and/or to their equipment as a result of their connection or use of the Site.

6. Intellectual Property

All intellectual and industrial property rights relating to the structure and content of any kind of the Site (including images, sounds, videos, photographs, texts, animated images, logos, data) are the exclusive property of Latin Discoveries. These elements of intellectual or industrial property are made available to the Users, exclusively within the framework of the use of the Platform in accordance with the present general conditions of use.

Any reproduction, representation, use or adaptation in any form whatsoever of all or part of the elements of the Site is prohibited and constitutes a violation of copyright.

Any reproduction, even partial, without the prior authorization of Latin Discoveries is prohibited.

The Site may contain hypertext links redirecting the Internet user to sites operated by third parties put online by the Users.

7. Management of personal data

In France, personal data is protected by Law No. 78-87 of 6 January 1978 amended, Law No. 2004-801 of 6 August 2004, Article L. 226-13 of the Penal Code and the European Regulation No. 2016/679, known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

In any case, Latin Discoveries only collects personal information about the user for the purpose of certain services offered by the website The user provides this information with full knowledge of the facts, particularly when he/she enters it. It is then specified to the user of the site whether or not they are required to provide this information.

In accordance with the provisions of articles 38 and following of law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedoms, all users have the right to access, rectify, delete, limit and oppose personal data concerning them.

For more information about the management of personal data by Latin Discoveries, you can consult the Privacy Policy.

8. General provisions

The present general terms and conditions of use may be subject to modification in accordance with the evolution of the regulations, the offer and the market. Any modification will take effect as of the publication online of new T&Cs in replacement of the present ones, for the offers already online. For current transactions, only the previous General Terms of Use, under which they were concluded, will apply.

The nullity of one or more clauses of these terms and conditions shall in no case entail the nullity of the general terms and conditions of use in their entirety.

9. Hypertext links and cookies

The website contains a number of hyperlinks to other websites, set up with the authorization of Latin Discoveries. However, Latin Discoveries does not have the possibility to check the content of the sites thus visited, and consequently will not assume any responsibility for this fact.

Browsing the website may cause cookies to be installed on the user's computer.

For more information on the management of cookies by Latin Discoveries, please consult the Cookies policy.

10. Applicable law and jurisdiction

Any dispute relating to the use of the site is subject to French law. The competent courts in Paris have exclusive jurisdiction.

11. The major laws concerned

Law n° 78-87 of 6 January 1978, notably modified by law n° 2004-801 of 6 August 2004 relating to information technology, files and freedoms.

Law n° 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 for confidence in the digital economy.


Latin Discoveries is committed to ensure that the processing of personal data carried out in the context of its activity complies with the European Regulation No. 2016/679, known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as well as with the French Data Protection Act.

In this privacy policy (the "Policy"), we explain how and why we use your data, what your rights are and how to exercise them.

1. What is personal data?

Personal data ("Personal Data" or "Data") is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person:

  • directly (name, first name, email address) or
  • indirectly (IP address, geolocation).

2. To whom is this Privacy Policy addressed?

This Policy applies to all of our services (the "Services"), i.e. the organisation and sale of travel, in particularly via the website (the "Site").

It is intended to inform the person using our Services ("The Client"), the visitors to this website ("The Visitors"), and the candidates for our job offers ("The Candidates") defined together as "The Users".

3. Who collects your Data?

The Data Controller, within the meaning of the European Data Protection Regulation, is Latin Discoveries, whose corporate name is Connexions Latines SAS and which is represented by Mr. Stéphane Coudassot in his capacity as manager of the company.

4. How do we collect your Data?

Latin Discoveries collects Data online (including by email), on paper or orally (during a physical appointment or over the phone) and this Policy applies no matter how it is collected or processed.

5. Why do we collect your Data?

Some of your Data is necessary for the processing and provision of our Services. The lack of information prevents the proper functioning of the Services offered.

For your information, you will find below a non-exhaustive list of categories of data collected corresponding to the purposes of our collection.

To respond to your request for a quote:

  • Categories of Data collected: identity data (name), contact data (e-mail address, telephone number, business data (company), data about your personal life (data related to your travel preferences, interests).
  • Data subjects: Customers
  • Legal basis: Pre-contractual measures taken at your request.

To implement the preparation and sale of your trip:

  • Categories of Data collected: identity data (surname, first name, nationality, date of birth, passport), contact data (email address, telephone number, address), data related to the economic situation (your budget per person), data on your personal life (food preferences).
  • Data subjects: Customers
  • Legal basis: Contractual measures taken at your request.

To respond to your request when contacting us by email:

  • Categories of Data collected: identity data (surname, first name), contact data (email address).
  • Persons concerned: Users
  • Legal basis: legitimate interest in order to offer you our Services.

To process your response to a job offer:

  • Categories of Data collected: identity data (surname, first name), contact data (e-mail address, telephone number), information contained in the curriculum vitae and covering letter (photograph, professional background).
  • Data subjects: Candidates
  • Legal basis: Pre-contractual measures taken at your request.

6. Are you required to provide your Personal Data?

The provision of your Personal Data when using our Services is optional with regard to loyalty, promotion and commercial prospecting activities; statistical operations of traffic; targeted advertising.

When you make specific requests such as a request for a quote, the processing of your Data is mandatory. Indeed, we cannot answer your request without processing your Data (email address in particular).

Please note that when you give your consent to the processing of your Personal Data, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time via the dedicated address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

7. How long do we keep your Data?

We only keep your Data as long as is necessary to carry out the purposes for which it was collected, except where the law provides for a different retention period.

You acknowledge that the Data you provide to us and which is stored in our information systems is accurate and constitutes proof of your identity.

With whom do we share your Data?

The Data collected is shared, according to their respective needs and in accordance with the purposes mentioned above, with

  • the staff of Latin Discoveries and Connexions Latines Europe
  • the staff of our partners: Latin Discoveries Peru; Latin Discoveries Bolivia; Latin Discoveries Ecuador; Latin Discoveries Chile; Latin Discoveries Argentina; Latin Discoveries Brazil
  • the staff of the external hosting services of our website
  • the staff of external services in the framework of commercial prospection

8. Is your Data sent outside the European Union?

We may share some of your Data outside the European Union with service providers located outside the European Union. However, each transfer is subject to a mechanism that provides protection equivalent to that guaranteed by EU law.

For example, we share it with our partners in the Latin Discoveries commercial network located in South America in order to offer you travel tailored to your request. These data flows are governed by the European Commission's Standard Contractual Clauses.

As the Site is accessible on the Internet, its content and therefore your publications may be accessible outside the European Union.

9. What security measures have we taken to protect you?

We are committed to implementing all the technical and organisational measures necessary to protect your Personal Data.

In addition to the implementation of proactive measures such as data minimisation, we also audit our service providers to ensure the proper implementation of security measures to guarantee the integrity, confidentiality and availability of your Data.

Our contracts with our service providers include a section dedicated to data protection, in compliance with applicable laws.

10. What are your rights?

In accordance with the Data Protection Act and subject to compliance with the legal obligations imposed on Latin Discoveries in the context of its activity, each individual may exercise the following rights:

You may:

  • Request a copy of the Data stored by Latin Discoveries - Right of access
  • Correct inaccurate Data about you - Right of rectification
  • Request the deletion of certain Data concerning you ; Right of deletion
  • To object to our processing of your Data; this request is incompatible with the processing related to the purchase of your flight ticket - Right to object
  • Decide at any time to withdraw your consent - Right of withdrawal
  • Limit the use of your Data while your request is being processed - Right to limit processing
  • To object to the profiling of your Data - Right to object to profiling; Latin Discoveries does not perform profiling
  • Exercise your Right to Portability - if applicable

When a Data breach likely to result in a high risk to your rights and freedoms is detected, you will be informed of this breach as soon as possible.

You may formulate directives relating to the conservation, deletion and communication of your Personal Data after your death, in accordance with Article 85 of the French law 78-17 of 6 January 1978.

11. How to exercise your rights?

These rights as well as these directives can be exercised and sent to us by writing to us:

  • by post to the following address 3 rue Paul Tavernier 77300 Fontainebleau, France; or
  • by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In order to enable us to identify you quickly and respond to your request, you should attach to your request all the information needed to establish your identity (in particular your customer number or a request made directly via your account). A reply will then be sent to you within 1 month of receipt of the request. In some cases, due to the complexity of the request or the number of requests, this period may be extended by 2 months.

You may also contact the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), the regulatory authority responsible for ensuring compliance with the regulations on the protection of personal data in France, by internet or by post at the following address Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés, 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715, 75334 PARIS CEDEX.

12. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Policy by publishing a new version on our Site. We will not reduce the level of privacy of your Data substantially without informing you and obtaining your consent.

13. Contact

If you have a question about this Privacy Policy, please contact us:

  • By e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • By post: 3 rue Paul Tavernier 77300 Fontainebleau, France


This Policy explains how and why Latin Discoveries uses cookies and other tracking technologies when you visit our website

When you visit our Site, a "Cookie Control" module alerts you to the presence of cookies and invites you to accept or decline them, cookie by cookie.

When you accept or refuse the deposit of cookies, this expression of your preference is valid for six (6) months in accordance with the recommendations of the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL). You will therefore be invited again to express your consent or to refuse the deposit of these cookies when this period is over.

1. What is a cookie ?

A cookie is a small text file deposited on your terminal (such as computer, smartphone or tablet) during the visit of a website. It identifies your browser during your visit and therefore retains some of your information.

For example, we can collect your IP address via the "Google Analytics" cookie in order to determine your connection city and so establish statistics on visitors to our Site.

2. Why do we use cookies?

We use cookies and other tracking technologies to :

  • facilitate and improve the use of our website
  • personalize the content and advertisements on our website
  • offer social media functionalities ( in particularly the sharing button)
  • to compute statistics on the browsing of our website

Cookies list :


  • Platform : ActiveCampaign
  • Use : This cookie is associated with Active Campaign and is set to confirm that tracking has been enabled for the website. Tracking is used to create reports of our web traffic and improve the user experience of the website.
  • Purpose : Marketing
  • Retention Period : 1 month


  • Platform : Google
  • Use : Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services.
  • Purpose : Marketing
  • Retention Period : 3 months


  • Platform : Facebook
  • Use : Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers
  • Purpose : Marketing
  • Retention Period : 3 months


  • Platform : Google Analytics
  • Use : ID used to identify users
  • Purpose : Analytics
  • Retention Period : 2 years


  • Platform : Google Analytics
  • Use : ID used to identify users for 24 hours after last activity
  • Purpose : Analytics
  • Retention Period : 1 day


  • Platform : Google Analytics
  • Use : Used to monitor number of Google Analytics server requests when using Google Tag Manager
  • Purpose : Analytics
  • Retention Period : 1 minute


  • Platform : Google Analytics
  • Use : Used to set and get tracking data
  • Purpose : Analytics
  • Retention Period : 1 minute


  • Platform : ActiveCampaign
  • Purpose : Marketing
  • Retention Period : 1 year


  • Platform : AddThis
  • Use : This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget, it stores an updated page share count.
  • Purpose : Functional
  • Retention Period : 13 months


  • Platform : AddThis
  • Use : This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget, which serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service.
  • Purpose : Functional
  • Retention Period : 30 minutes

3. Accepting or refusing cookies

The deposit of cookies necessitates your consent depending on the type of cookies used:

  • We can deposit so-called necessary cookies, i.e. cookies that allow us to guarantee the proper functioning of the Site or to access a service requested by the user. In this case, your consent is not mandatory.
  • For all other cookies (in particular advertising cookies or social network sharing cookies), your consent is required.

You can choose to deactivate unnecessary cookies by setting your browser preferences or directly by using our cookie manager.

You can accept or refuse cookies on a case-by-case basis, or refuse them systematically.

We would like to remind you that the settings are likely to modify your conditions of access to our content and services requiring the use of cookies.

4. Contact

For more information on reaching Latin Discoveries and how Latin Discoveries treats personal data of Internet users, you are invited to consult the Latin Discoveries Privacy Policy applicable and detailed in this same page in 13. Contact

Cookies user preferences
We use cookies to ensure you to get the best experience on our website. If you decline the use of cookies, this website may not function as expected.
Accept all
Decline all
Set of techniques which have for object the commercial strategy and in particular the market study.
Active Campaign
Tools used to analyze the data to measure the effectiveness of a website and to understand how it works.
Google Analytics
Travel Updates
Active campaign
Tools used to give you more features when navigating on the website, this can include social sharing.